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Weather Peru

Peru actual weather and longterm weather forecast for Peru in September and October. You can view actual weather in Peru thru online Peru webcams.

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Weather forecast in Peru

Peru longterm forecast

The climate of Peru is very diverse, with a large variety of climates and microclimates, including 28 of the 32 world climates. Such a diversity is chiefly conditioned by the presence of the Andes mountains and the cold Humboldt Current. In general, the climate on the coast is subtropical with very little rainfall. The Andes mountains observe a cool-to-cold climate with rainy summers and very dry winters. The eastern lowlands present an Equatorial climate with hot weather and rain distributed all year long.  

The climate of the coast ranges from warm-semiarid north of 5°S (thus, very close to the equator) to a climate which is a bit like the Mediterranean climate with an important difference. The winter, although cloudy, cool and very humid, does not have sufficient rainfall to be considered a Köppen C climate.

The coast is chiefly determined by the influence of the cold Humboldt Current, which runs The northern coast's (3°S–6°S) temperature extremes range from 14 to 38 °C (57.2 to 100.4 °F). Summers are characterized by hot, humid and sunny conditions, with occasional afternoon and nocturnal rainshowers. The farther north, the less arid, due to the Humboldt Current getting less cold as it nears the Equator. Thus, the Tumbes Region, bordering Ecuador, is the only coastal one with regular seasonal precipitation.

In the central and southern coasts (south of 6°S) temperature ranges from 8 to 29 °C (46.4 to 84.2 °F) and rainfall is scarce with annual totals are 150 mm. Summer is characterized by warm, moist and sunny conditions with lows between 18 and 22 °C (64.4 and 71.6 °F) and highs between 24 and 29 °C (75.2 and 84.2 °F). Temperatures over 29 °C (84 °F) are commonly observed less than 10 days per year except at the Ica deserts where summer highs can sometimes reach 35 °C (95 °F). Little or no rainfall occurs during the summer. Very rare rainfall events are produced by the leftovers of Andean convection and occur during the night. Summer rainfall totals are generally less than 10 mm (0.4 in).

Winter is characterized by overcast, cool and damp conditions, which keep daytime temperatures cool. Strictly by the coast and a few kilometers inland, winter is determined by an almost permanent layer of fog, which creates garua, a particular mist own to coastal Peru and Chile. In those areas located right by the ocean, the so-called 'rainy season' develops by late May and comes to an end by mid October. Precipitation occurs in the form of nocturnal-morning drizzle and seasonal totals range between 10 and 150 mm (0.4 and 5.9 in). Winter precipitation favors the development of vegetation over particular coastal mountain ranges known as "Lomas". The desert green-up peaks between July and early November.

Temperatures range from 14–18 °C (57.2–64.4 °F) at night and 19–21 °C (66.2–69.8 °F) during the day. Winter highs oscillate between 15 and 21 °C (59 and 69.8 °F) and the lows between 8 and 15 °C (46.4 and 59 °F). Several weeks of persistent overcast skies and highs below 19 °C (66.2 °F) are not uncommon between July and September.

source: wikipedia / Peru weather