Weather Saint Petersburg
Actual weather in Saint Petersburg and weather forecast Saint Petersburg for 14 days. Weather forecast Saint Petersburg for February and March.
Saint Petersburg actual weather
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Saint Petersburg weather forecast for 14 days
date | weather during the day | weather during the night |
Weather in Saint Petersburg last 14 days
weather during the date | weather during the day | night |
Saint Petersburg longterm forecast
Saint Petersburg experiences a humid continental climate of the cool summer subtype (Köppen: Dfb), due to the distinct moderating influence of the Baltic Sea cyclones. Summers are typically cool, humid and quite short, while winters are long, cold, but with frequent warm spells. The average winter minimum is about -9°C (16°F), the record low temperature is -35.9°C (-33°F), recorded in 1883. Solid frozen ground is a normal part of winter there. The River Neva within the city limits usually freezes up in November-December, break-up occurs in April. On average there are 123 days with snow cover (stable from December to March), which reaches the average of 24 cm (9.5") by February. The frost-free period in the city lasts on average for about 135 days. There is some temperature variation within the city limits and the city itself experiences a climate slightly warmer than its suburbs. Weather conditions are, however, quite variable all over the year.
The highest temperatures of July and August were reached in 2010. Average annual precipitation varies across the city, being about 600–750 mm per year on average and reaching maximum in late summer and in the north. Though this number is not high by itself, soil moisture is almost always excessive because of low evapotranspiration due to the cool climate. Relative humidity of air is also high (78% on average), overcast is common all over the year (165 days a year on average).
source: wikipedia / Saint Petersburg weather
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