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Weather Bogota

Actual weather in Bogota and weather forecast Bogota for 14 days. Weather forecast Bogota for January and February.

Colombia weather

Bogota actual weather

32 °F
local time: 12:49 18.01.2025
timezone: UTC/GMT -5 hr
wind: m/s
pressure:, falling hPa
visibility:0 km
humidity: %
clouds: %
precipitation: mm

Bogota weather forecast for 14 days

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Weather in Bogota last 14 days

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Bogota longterm forecast

Bogotá has a subtropical highland climate. The average temperature on the "sabana" is 14.0 °C (57 °F), varying from 3 to 20 °C (37 to 68 °F) during the course of the day. Dry and rainy seasons alternate throughout the year. The driest months are December, January, July and August. The warmest month is March, bringing a maximum of 19.7 °C (67.5 °F). The coolest nights occur in January, with an average of 5.4 °C (41.7 °F) in the city; temperatures can fall below freezing in the nearby towns causing frosts and fog in early morning, with the lowest recorded temperature within the city being −7.2 °C (19.0 °F). in February 2007.

The official highest recorded temperature is 24.9 °C (77 °F) reached in January 1992 and March 1995.

The rainiest months are April, May, September, October and November, in which typical days are mostly overcast, with low clouds and some winds, bringing maximum temperatures of 18 °C (64 °F) and lows of 7 °C (45 °F). Hailstorms are very common during the rainy season, and can be very strong, especially in October. Days are mild or cool and nights can get moderately cold due to the city having mild winds in the night all year round, though frequent fog from sinking of cold mountain air in the enclosed valley of the city means sunshine totals are much lower than would be expected for a relatively dry location in such a low latitude.

While temperatures are relatively consistent throughout the year, weather conditions can change dramatically during the course of a single day. Climatic conditions are irregular and variable due to the El Niño and La Niña climatic phenomena which occur in and around the Pacific basin and are responsible for pronounced climatic changes. This makes the city's weather unpredictable; sunny mornings can turn out into a severe-storm afternoon (something commonly referred as "Sol de Lluvia" (literally, "Rainy Sun").

source: wikipedia / Bogota weather

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