Weather Guayaquil
Actual weather in Guayaquil and weather forecast Guayaquil for 14 days. Weather forecast Guayaquil for February and March.
Guayaquil actual weather
32 °F
timezone: UTC/GMT -5 hr
wind: | m/s |
pressure: | , steady hPa |
visibility: | 0 km |
humidity: | % |
clouds: | % |
precipitation: | mm |
Guayaquil weather forecast for 14 days
date | weather during the day | weather during the night |
Weather in Guayaquil last 14 days
weather during the date | weather during the day | night |
Guayaquil longterm forecast
Guayaquil features a tropical savanna climate. Between January and April the climate is hot and humid with heavy rainfall, especially during El Niño years when it increases dramatically and flooding usually occurs. The rest of the year (from May through December) however, rainfall is minimal due to the cooling influence of the Humboldt Current, with usually cloudy mornings and very agreeable afternoon and evening breezes.source: wikipedia / Guayaquil weather
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Guayaquil photos
Photos from Guayaquil. Look at interesting places in Guayaquil before you travel there.