Weather Santo Domingo
Actual weather in Santo Domingo and weather forecast Santo Domingo for 14 days. Weather forecast Santo Domingo for February and March.
Santo Domingo actual weather
timezone: UTC/GMT -3 hr
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Santo Domingo weather forecast for 14 days
date | weather during the day | weather during the night |
Weather in Santo Domingo last 14 days
weather during the date | weather during the day | night |
Santo Domingo longterm forecast
The average temperature in Santo Domingo varies little, because the tropical trade winds help mitigate the heat and humidity throughout the year. Thanks to these trade winds, Santo Domingo has a tropical climate but seldom experiences the oppressive heat and humidity that one may expect to find. December and January are the coolest months and July and August are the warmest. Santo Domingo averages 1,445 millimetres (56.9 in) of rain annually. Its driest months are from January through April, however, due to the trade winds and mountains to the southwest, rain is seen even during these months. Because its driest month is just below 60 millimetres (2.4 in), Santo Domingo falls under the tropical monsoon climate category under the Köppen climate classification. Like many other nations in the Caribbean, Santo Domingo is very susceptible to hurricanes. The lowest recorded temperature has been 13 °C (55 °F) and the highest 37 °C (99 °F).source: wikipedia / Santo Domingo weather
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Santo Domingo photos
Photos from Santo Domingo. Look at interesting places in Santo Domingo before you travel there.