Weather Plovdiv
Actual weather in Plovdiv and weather forecast Plovdiv for 14 days. Weather forecast Plovdiv for February and March.
Plovdiv actual weather
timezone: UTC/GMT +2 hr
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Plovdiv weather forecast for 14 days
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Weather in Plovdiv last 14 days
weather during the date | weather during the day | night |
Plovdiv longterm forecast
Plovdiv has a humid continental climate with considerable humid subtropical influences. There are four distinct seasons during the year and large temperature jumps between seasons are common. Summer (late May to mid September) is hot, moderately dry and sunny with a July and August average of 31 °C (88 °F). Plovdiv sometimes experiences very hot days typical in the interior of the country.
Summer nights are also mild. Autumn starts in mid or late September; days are long and relatively warm in early autumn. However the nights become chilly by September. The first frost occurs on average by November.
Winter is normally cold and snow is common. The average number of days with snow cover in Plovdiv is 33. The average depth of snow cover is 2 to 4 cm (1 to 2 in) and the maximum is normally 6 to 13 cm (2 to 5 in) but in some winters it can reach 70 cm (28 in) or more. Average January temperature is 1 °C (34 °F).
Spring arrives in March but that season is cooler than autumn. The frost season ends in March or in April at the latest. The days are mild and relatively warm in mid spring. The average relative humidity is 73%, being highest in December with 86% and lowest in August with 62%. The total precipitation is 540 mm and is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year.
The wettest months of the year are May and June with an average precipitation of 66.2 mm, while the driest month is August with an average precipitation of 31 mm. Gentle winds (0 to 5 m/s) are predominant in the city with wind speeds of up to 1 m/s representing 95% of all winds during the year. Mists are common in the cooler months especially along the banks of the Maritsa. On average there are 33 days with mist during the year.
source: wikipedia / Plovdiv weather
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