Weather Aalborg
Actual weather in Aalborg and weather forecast Aalborg for 14 days. Weather forecast Aalborg for September and October.
Aalborg actual weather
32 °F
timezone: UTC/GMT +1 hr
wind: | m/s |
pressure: | , steady hPa |
visibility: | 0 km |
humidity: | % |
clouds: | % |
precipitation: | mm |
Aalborg weather forecast for 14 days
date | weather during the day | weather during the night |
Weather in Aalborg last 14 days
weather during the date | weather during the day | night |
Aalborg longterm forecast
Summers in Aalborg have average high temperatures of around 20 °C (68 °F) and lows of 12 °C (54 °F), but temperatures sometimes exceed 25 °C (77 °F) and occasional heatwaves are common during the summer. Winters usually have temperatures of −3 to 2 °C (27 to 36 °F), rarely dropping below −10 °C (14 °F).source: wikipedia / Aalborg weather
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Aalborg photos
Photos from Aalborg. Look at interesting places in Aalborg before you travel there.