Weather forecast and online webcams > Europe > Germany > Berlin

Weather Berlin

Actual weather in Berlin and weather forecast Berlin for 14 days. Weather forecast Berlin for September and October.

Germany weather

Berlin actual weather

32 °F
local time: 07:37 19.09.2024
timezone: UTC/GMT +1 hr
wind: m/s
pressure:, steady hPa
visibility:0 km
humidity: %
clouds: %
precipitation: mm

Berlin weather forecast for 14 days

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Weather in Berlin last 14 days

weather during the dateweather during the daynight

Berlin longterm forecast

Berlin has a humid continental climate according to the Köppen climate classification system. Summers are warm and sometimes humid with average high temperatures of 22–25 °C (72–77 °F) and lows of 12–14 °C (54–57 °F).

Winters are relatively cold with average high temperatures of 3 °C (37 °F) and lows of -2 to 0 °C (28 to 32 °F). Spring and autumn are generally chilly to mild. Berlin's built-up area creates a microclimate, with heat stored by the city's buildings. Temperatures can be 4 °C (7 °F) higher in the city than in the surrounding areas.[33] Annual precipitation is 570 millimeters (22 in) with moderate rainfall throughout the year. Light snowfall mainly occurs from December through March, but snow cover does not usually remain for long. The recent winter of 2009/2010 was an exception as there was a permanent snow cover from late December till early March.

source: wikipedia / Berlin weather

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