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Weather Reykjavik

Actual weather in Reykjavik and weather forecast Reykjavik for 14 days. Weather forecast Reykjavik for September and October.

Iceland weather

Reykjavik actual weather

32 °F
local time: 18:07 15.09.2024
timezone: UTC/GMT 0 hr
wind: m/s
pressure:, steady hPa
visibility:0 km
humidity: %
clouds: %
precipitation: mm

Reykjavik weather forecast for 14 days

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Weather in Reykjavik last 14 days

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Reykjavik longterm forecast

Temperatures very rarely drop below −15 °C (5 °F) in the winter. This is because the Icelandic coastal weather in winter is moderated by the warm waters of the Gulf Stream. The climate is subpolar oceanic, and the city is on the northern edge of the temperate zone. The city's coastal location does make it prone to wind, however, and gales are common in winter. Summers are cool, with temperatures fluctuating between 10 to 15 °C (50 to 59 °F), sometimes exceeding 20 °C (68 °F).

Reykjavík is not a particularly wet city, but it nevertheless averages 148 days with measurable precipitation every year. Droughts are uncommon although they occur in some summers. In the summer of 2007, no rain was measured for one month. Spring tends to be the sunniest season, May particularly. Annual sunshine hours in Reykjavík are around 1,300, which is comparable with other places in Northern and North-Eastern Europe. The highest ever recorded temperature in Reykjavík was 26.2 °C (79 °F), recorded on July 30, 2008, while the lowest ever recorded temperature was −24.5 °C (−12 °F), recorded on January 21, 1918. The temperature has not dropped to below −20 °C (−4 °F) since January 30, 1971. Reykjavík was ranked first on Grist Magazine's "15 Greenest Cities" list in 2008.

source: wikipedia / Reykjavik weather

Iceland weather


32 °F
Akureyri weather


32 °F
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Reykjavik photos

Photos from Reykjavik. Look at interesting places in Reykjavik before you travel there.