Weather forecast and online webcams > Europe > Italy > Milan

Weather Milan

Actual weather in Milan and weather forecast Milan for 14 days. Weather forecast Milan for September and October.

Italy weather

Milan actual weather

32 °F
local time: 11:06 16.09.2024
timezone: UTC/GMT +1 hr
wind: m/s
pressure:, steady hPa
visibility:0 km
humidity: %
clouds: %
precipitation: mm

Milan weather forecast for 14 days

dateweather during the dayweather during the night

Weather in Milan last 14 days

weather during the dateweather during the daynight

Milan longterm forecast

Milan has a humid subtropical climate without any influence from the seaside. The Climatic Classification is "zone E, 2259 GR/G"– similar to much of Northern Italy's inland plains, where sultry summers and very cold, wet winters prevail. The minimum temperature record is -17.6 and the highest is 39. Average temperatures in city center are 3 °C (37 °F) in January with −2 °C (28 °F) for the minimum and 25 °C (77 °F) in July with average maximum of 30 °C (86 °F). During winter, accumulating snowfall can occur and is not as rare as in the southern parts of Italy. 

source: wikipedia / Milan weather

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