Weather forecast and online webcams > Europe > Norway > Bergen

Weather Bergen

Actual weather in Bergen and weather forecast Bergen for 14 days. Weather forecast Bergen for January and February.

Norway weather

Bergen actual weather

32 °F
local time: 22:51 15.01.2025
timezone: UTC/GMT +1 hr
wind: m/s
pressure:, steady hPa
visibility:0 km
humidity: %
clouds: %
precipitation: mm

Bergen weather forecast for 14 days

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Weather in Bergen last 14 days

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Bergen longterm forecast

Bergen features a temperate oceanic climate with relatively mild winters and cool summers. Despite being so far north, Bergen's weather is relatively mild. In the winter, Bergen is one of the warmest cities in Norway, caused by the Gulf Stream. Bergen experiences plentiful rainfall, with annual precipitation measuring 2,250 mm (89 in) on average. This is because the city is surrounded by mountains that cause moist North Atlantic air to undergo orographic lift, which yields abundant rainfall. Rain fell every day between 29 October 2006 and 21 January 2007, 85 consecutive days. In Bergen, precipitation is plentiful and heavy rain can happen at any time of the year.

The highest temperature ever recorded was 31.8 °C, a record that dates back to 1947. The lowest ever recorded is −16.3 °C, in 1987. The high precipitation is often used in the marketing of the city, and figures to a degree on postcards sold in the city. For some time there were umbrella vending machines in the city, but these did not turn out to be a success.

source: wikipedia / Bergen weather

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Photos from Bergen. Look at interesting places in Bergen before you travel there.