Weather Zilina
Actual weather in Zilina and weather forecast Zilina for 14 days. Weather forecast Zilina for February and March.
Zilina actual weather
32 °F
timezone: UTC/GMT +1 hr
wind: | m/s |
pressure: | , rising hPa |
visibility: | 0 km |
humidity: | % |
clouds: | % |
precipitation: | mm |
Zilina weather forecast for 14 days
date | weather during the day | weather during the night |
Weather in Zilina last 14 days
weather during the date | weather during the day | night |
Zilina longterm forecast
Žilina lies in the north temperate zone and has a continental climate with four distinct seasons. It is characterized by a significant variation between hot summers and cold, snowy winters. Average temperature in July is 18 °C (64 °F), in January −4 °C (25 °F). Average annual rainfall is 650 – 700 mm (25.5–27.5 in), most of the rainfall is in June and in the first half of July. Snow cover lasts from 60 to 80 days per year.source: wikipedia / Zilina weather
Slovakia weather
Weather forecast in other cities in Slovakia.
Zilina photos
Photos from Zilina. Look at interesting places in Zilina before you travel there.