Weather forecast and online webcams > Africa > Angola

Weather Angola

Angola actual weather and longterm weather forecast for Angola in January and February. You can view actual weather in Angola thru online Angola webcams.

Most popular Angola weather forecast


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Weather forecast in Angola

Angola longterm forecast

Like the rest of tropical Africa, Angola experiences distinct, alternating rainy and dry seasons. The coastal strip is tempered by the cool Benguela Current, resulting in a climate similar to coastal Peru or Baja California. It is semiarid in the South and along the coast to Luanda. There is a short rainy season lasting from February to April. Summers are hot and dry, while winters are mild. The north has a cool, dry season. The climate is greatly influenced by the prevailing winds, which arc W., S.W. and S.S.W. Two seasons are distinguished - the cool, from June to September; and the rainy, from October to May. The heaviest rainfall occurs in April, and is accompanied by violent storms. The far north and Cabinda enjoy rain throughout much of the year.

source: wikipedia / Angola weather