Weather forecast and online webcams > Africa > Togo

Weather Togo

Togo actual weather and longterm weather forecast for Togo in October and November. You can view actual weather in Togo thru online Togo webcams.

Most popular Togo weather forecast


32 °F
Lome weather

Weather forecast in Togo

Togo longterm forecast

The climate is generally tropical with average temperatures ranging from 27.5 °C (81.5 °F) on the coast to about 30 °C (86 °F) in the northernmost regions, with a dry climate and characteristics of a tropical savanna. To the south there are two seasons of rain (the first between April and July and the second between (September and November), even though the average rainfall is not very high. The climate is tropical and humid for seven months while the dry desert winds of the harmatten blow south from November to March, bringing cooler weather.

source: wikipedia / Togo weather