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Weather St. Helena

St. Helena actual weather and longterm weather forecast for St. Helena in January and February. You can view actual weather in St. Helena thru online St. Helena webcams.

Most popular St. Helena weather forecast

Weather forecast in St. Helena

St. Helena longterm forecast

The climate of Saint Helena is tropical, marine and mild, tempered by the Benguela Current and trade winds which blow almost continuously. The climate varies noticeably across the island. Temperatures in Jamestown, on the north leeward shore, range between 21–28 °C (70–82 °F) in the summer (January to April) and 17–24 °C (63–75 °F) during the remainder of the year. The temperatures in the central areas are, on average, 5-6 °C (9-11 °F) lower.[16] Jamestown also has a very low annual rainfall, while 750–1,000 mm (30–39 in) falls per year on the higher ground and the south coast, where it is also noticeably cloudier. There are weather recording stations in the Longwood and Blue Hill districts.

source: wikipedia / St. Helena weather