Weather forecast and online webcams > Europe > Czech Republic > Brno

Weather Brno

Actual weather in Brno and weather forecast Brno for 14 days. Weather forecast Brno for October and November.

Czech Republic weather

Brno actual weather

32 °F
local time: 12:29 25.10.2024
timezone: UTC/GMT +1 hr
wind: m/s
pressure:, steady hPa
visibility:0 km
humidity: %
clouds: %
precipitation: mm

Brno weather forecast for 14 days

dateweather during the dayweather during the night

Weather in Brno last 14 days

weather during the dateweather during the daynight

Brno longterm forecast

The average temperature is 9.4 °C (49 °F), the average annual precipitation is about 505 mm (19.88 in), the average number of precipitation days is 150, the average annual sunshine is 1,771 hours, and the prevailing wind direction is northwest. Its elevation above the sea level varies from 190 m (623.36 ft) to 425 m (1,394.36 ft), and the highest point in the area is the Kopeèek Hill. There are dozens of legally protected areas which are protected because of their ecological and/or natural values, like the Moravian Karst, Stránská Skála, and others. 

source: wikipedia / Brno weather

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Brno photos

Photos from Brno. Look at interesting places in Brno before you travel there.